Акматалиева Жакшылык Кыргызстанда илимий баяндама жасады./AKMATALIEVA JAKSHYLYK, a project research fellow of U-PARL, delivered a lecture in the Kyrgyz Republic.
Акматалиева Жакшылык Кыргызстанда илимий баяндама жасады./AKMATALIEVA JAKSHYLYK, a project research fellow of [...]

“The Endangered Languages Digital Archive” is now accessible for viewing.
We have initiated the construction of the "Endangered Language Digital Archive."[...]

The international conference “Overcoming the Divide: Connectivity and Trust Building for Middle East Peace,” co-organized with the cooperation of U-PARL, will be held.
The international conference “Overcoming the Divide: Connectivity and Trust Building for Middle East Peace” (F[...]

We held a meeting with librarians from the Free University of Berlin
Librarians from the Free University of Berlin visit our university's general library[...]

U-PARL’s 2024-2025 school year edition English leaflet has been published
U-PARL's 2024-2025 school year edition English leaflet has been published.[...]

We held a talk event “Subject Librarian Talk.”
We held a "Subject Librarian Talk" with a guest speaker, Mitsutaka Nakamura, Japanese Studies Librarian at the[...]

Staff profiles are now available on the website
We have posted staff profiles on our website.[...]

[Asian Studies Book Recommendations] Books on Traditional Vietnamese Theater from SAKURAI Yumio Collection
The SAKURAI Yumio Collection at the Asian Research Library of the University of Tokyo is a collection named af[...]

“Glossary of Vietnamese and Thai Terms for Librarians Supplemented with Glossary of Lao and Khmer Terms” was published
In March 2023, "Glossary of Vietnamese and Thai Terms for Librarians Supplemented with Glossary of Lao and Khm[...]

“Catalog of the University of Tokyo Asian Research Library Digital Collections 2017-2023” was published.
Catalog of the University of Tokyo Asian Research Library Digital Collections 2017-2023 was published on 29 February 2024.

U-PARL has published its 2023 leaflet
The leaflet features designs of Asian landscapes, fabrics, and text. The mandarin-orange cover contains texts in Vietnamese, Chinese, Urdu, and French. Yuki Shibuya and Emiko Sunaga, project research fellows at U-PARL, will provide explanations regarding these inscription.

U-PARL has published its 2022 leaflet
The U-PARL 2022 leaflet designs Hangul and Manchu scripts from the Digital Collections of the UoT. U-PARL staff will explain these materials.