How to search Asian Research Library materials
How to retrieve and browse the catalog of the Asian Research Library's materials via UTokyo OPAC.
How to retrieve and browse the catalog of the Asian Research Library's materials via UTokyo OPAC.
Looking toward the opening of the Asian Research Library, U-PARL has been collecting new Asian research resources. These resources, which had been temporarily accessible in the stacks of the General Library, have been available on the third floor of the main building since May 22, 2018.
Opening of Temporary Access to Asian Research Library Resources!
Professor Yusuke NAKAMURA contributed a commentary on the literacy education materials donated by ACCU.
Hiroshi TAKAHASHI contributed a commentary on the literacy education materials donated by ACCU.
Kazue IWASA contributed a commentary on the literacy education materials donated by ACCU.
New Collection!!! These materials belong to the former collection of Tanaka Takeo (1891-1966), which was acquired from an antiquarian bookshop in Osaka in October 2014.
U-PARL acquired 180 maps of the Korean Peninsula dating to the colonial period (1910-1945) from the holdings of an antiquarian bookshop in Tokyo.
The collection has been developed by the Asia-Pacific Cultural Centre for UNESCO (ACCU) since the 1970s. It contains about 2,300 items of “non-formal” literacy education materials for adults, which have been prepared by local governments and NGOs in the Asia-Pacific region. The texts are in 28 languages and have been published in 25 countries.