
Uehiro Project for the Asian Research Library


【DATABASE】Zhonghua jingdian guji ku 中華經典古籍庫 Database of Chinese Classics


<Notification of Change in Login Procedure>
For improving security, there has recently been a change in the procedures required for registering and logging in to personal accounts for the Zhonghua jingdian guji ku 中華經典古籍庫(Database of Chinese Classics), specifically when using functions selected in the right-click menu including copy and re-search. This has been applied to institutional users as well. For further details, please refer to the following instructions. Other functions can be used as before without registering as a user.


The Zhonghua jingdian guji ku is a database of full-text digitalizations of modern-style printed-and-bound Chinese ancient classics that publishers, such as the Chinese Zhonghua Book Company 中華書局, have produced up until now. The database contains full text data and printing-plate image data for the entirety of each work. Below is an outline of the database’s features.

On the Zhonghua jingdian guji ku

The Zhonghua jingdian guji ku reflects the results of the work done by publishers such as the Chinese Zhonghua Book Company in producing western-style printed-and-bound movable type books that are based on the content of banben 版本 woodblock prints, to which they add punctuation, annotations, and revision histories, etc. As of the fourth stage, the Zhonghua jingdian guji ku contains a total of 1451 titles 3921books.

Collection Scope
1st Stage: 37titles 293 books, including: Shiji 史記, Hanshu 漢書, Zhouyi jijie zuanshu 周易集解纂疏, Chunqiu Zuozhuan gu 春秋左傳詁, Baihutong shuzheng 白虎通疏證, Qianfulun jianjiaozheng 潛夫論箋校正, Li Taibai quanji 李太白全集, Dushi xiangzhu 杜詩詳注, and Liu Zongyuan ji 柳宗元集 ,those from Zhonghua Book Company中華書局,etc.

2nd Stage: 39titles 136 books, including: Zhouyi benyi 周易本義, Zhouyi hanshu 周易函書, Dongguan Hanji jiaozhu 東觀漢記校注, Yuejueshu jiaoshi 越絶書校釋, Zhongshuo jiaozhu 中説校注, Zhuzi yulei 朱子語類, Yuan Haowen shi biannian jiaozhu 元好問詩編年校注, and Dai Zhen wenji 戴震文集 , those from Zhonghua Book Company中華書局,etc.

3rd Stage:115titles  438 books, including the Kang Youwei collection of selected academic writing 康有爲學術著作選 ,Yuanfeng jiuyu zhi 元豐九域志, Taiping huanyu ji 太平寰宇記, Dongxuanlingbao sanshi ji 洞玄靈寶三師記, Daodejing zhushi 道德經注釋, Qu Yuan ji jiaozhu 屈原集校注, and Jian’an qizi ji 建安七子集 ,those from Zhonghua Book Company中華書局,etc.

4th Stage: 78titles 405 books, including : Fanshan zhengshu 樊山政書, Zutang ji 祖堂集, and Guoque 國榷 ,those from Zhonghua Book Company中華書局; including: Sanshiguo chunqiu jiben 三十國春秋輯本,and Shanhaijing kaoshi 山海經考釋 ,those from Tianjin Ancient Works Publishing House 天津古籍出版社, ; including: Bu Songshu xingfa zhi 補宋書刑法志 and Liuzu tanjing jianzhu 六祖壇經箋注, those from publishing house Qilu Shushe 齊魯書社 ;  Futang ci 復堂詞 and Zhuchuang suibi 竹窗隨筆 , those from East China Normal University Press 華東師範大學出版社,etc.

5th Stage: 241titles 629 books, including : Zhouyi Jijie 周易集解, Maoshi Bushu 毛詩補疏, Erya Yinxun爾雅音訓, Shiji Zhiyi史記志疑, Qian Zhuting Xiansheng Xingshu錢竹汀先生行述, Taiji Tushuo Jieyi Gouchen太極圖説解義鈎沈, Zhuzi Jiaozheng諸子斠證, Nanhua Zhenjing Xunben南華真經循本, Bao Canjun Shizhu鮑參軍詩注, Fan Chengda Yizhu Jicun范成大佚著輯存, and Quan Mingci全明詞 ,those from Zhonghua Book Company中華書局,etc.

6th Stage:124titles 792books,including:Quan Songwen全宋文(360books) from Shanghai Lexicographical Publishing House上海辭書出版社 and Anhui Educational Publishing House安徽教育出版社;Shiji Zhaji史記扎記 from Phoenix Publishing House鳳凰出版社;Yilin易林,and Quan Suiwen buyi全隋文補遺 from Sanqin Publishing House三秦出版社,etc.

7th Stage:462titles 703books,including:Tianyige yicun shumu天一閣遺存書目,Tianyige fanggui shumu天一閣訪歸書目,Yinbingshi heji飲冰室合集,Chuanshan quanji船山全集,Zeng Guofan quanji曾國藩全集,Hu Linyi ji胡林翼集,and Xiangjun zhi湘軍志,those from Zhonghua Book Company中華書局,etc.

8th Stage:355titles 525books,including:Meng Haoran shiji jiaozhu孟浩然詩集校注,Liu Yuxi quanji biannian jiaozhu劉禹錫全集編年校注,Round-trip telegraph manuscript between Ma Jianzhong and Li Hongzhang馬建忠李鴻章往來電稿,Chongding Zhongwantangshi zhuke tu重訂中晚唐詩主客圖,and Wenjing Mifu lun jiaojian文鏡秘府論校箋 ,those from Zhonghua Book Company中華書局,etc.

The list of materials contained in the Zhonghua jingdian guji ku is available on the homepage of the Toho Shoten bookstore (https://www.toho-shoten.co.jp/er07/chukakeiten.html), so please also refer there.

The five main functions of this database are as follows:
1. Searching: There are four different search functions that allow users to search by: full-text, publisher, alternate name, and fuzzy string search. With “alternate related name” search, users are also able to automatically search by traditional/simplified and variant characters and also by alternate names for people and places, pseudonyms, and posthumous names.
2. Editing: The database is equipped with a commenting function. Once an account has been registered, it is possible to continue on with previously entered information and to create revisions at each re-login.
3. Displaying: An image of the original printing-plate and the digitized main text appear side by side for each page.
4. Automatically creating citation information: When copies are made from the main text, the literature citation information is automatically included.
5. Specialist term database: This is a specialist database of people’s names, titles, events, geographical locations, occupations, and memorial dates, etc.

For more on the specific features, please see here.

Differences with the Zhongguo jiben guji ku 中國基本古籍庫

In terms of the Zhonghua jingdian guji ku 中國基本古籍庫 being a text database of Chinese classics, it is similar to which U-PARL introduced previously; however, in terms of the amount of works contained, they are different in scope, with the Zhongguo jiben guji ku encompassing 10,000 titles, and the Zhonghua jingdian guji ku containing 2,693.

Further, the Zhongguo jiben guji ku gives us access to superior woodblock print texts and images that were published through traditional pre-modern printing methods in their original form. This makes it suitable for research into original texts, but there is no information at all, such as punctuation, etc., included to assist in reading.
On the other hand, the Zhonghua jingdian guji ku is based on modern-style printed-and-bound books (revised editions) that also include things such as punctuation, revision histories, and annotations by modern and contemporary scholars, which are helpful when reading. From the perspective of helping to assist understanding of a given text, the Zhonghua jingdian guji ku is very valuable. The Zhonghua jingdian guji ku includes punctuation, annotations, revisions, refined searchability, and commenting functionality, which help the user to gain a deeper understanding of the texts, and this is a strength that is not found in the Zhongguo jiben guji ku.

Using the Database

*Limited to on-campus* Please access from here. Accessible from “Database List”. To access from off-campus, please see this page.

*How to Login* Please refer to here about how to login.

* When using functions selected in the right-click menu such as copy and re-search, you need to register for a personal account. Please click here for further details.

*Caution* Access is limited to 2 at a time. When finished using, please logout (by clicking the database screen × button or the home button).